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Children’s Librarian Miss Maria and all of the youth services staff welcome you to the children’s room at Kennebunk Free Library, where you’ll find awesome stories, resources, programs & fun!

Our children’s collection includes board books, picture books, holiday books, easy readers, first chapter books, fiction, nonfiction, audiobooks, graphic novels & movies. We also offer museum passes, interlibrary loans, research help, and more!

Our programs include storytimes, craft kits, events, and of course our annual summer reading program. You can check out our online calendar and our latest newsletter for upcoming programs and what’s new in the children’s room.

Our Monthly Programs:

Click the name of the program to register for the next date!

Storytime: Every Monday @10am

Join Miss Maria in the library for songs, stories, rhymes, and fun! Storytimes are designed for ages 2-5, but everyone is welcome!

BeadCraft: The 1st Wednesday of the Month

Perler Beads – tiny plastic beads that can melt – were first introduced as a craft in Sweden in the 1950’s and we still love them! Design suggestions will be offered, but creativity is encouraged! For Ages 6+.  All craft materials will be provided.

Kindness Crew: Once a month on Tuesday @3:45pm

In a world where you can be anything, be kind! Come join Miss Maria for a story and craft about being kind! Kindness has no age requirement – if a friend younger than 6 would like to join in, please reach out to Miss Maria. Parents are welcome to join in! When your little sees you talking about and practicing kindness, they will want to join in even more!

Junior Science: Once a month on Monday @3:45pm

Every month we will do a fun new experiment! In the past we have done bottle rockets, volcanoes, halloween potions and more! What will we do next time? For ages 4+. Registration Required

Lego Club: Last Thursday of the month @3:45pm

Ready to get building? Kennebunk Free Library is offering a Lego Club for children ages 4 and older. Come and build new and imaginative creations or ask the librarian for a challenge to complete. All Lego blocks will be supplied; please leave yours at home.

Looking for your next book?